
Showing posts from May, 2012

Summer in Austin

 He's Like: "They don't want me back, but I love my fans soo much"  The summer in Austin (snapped at the UT track) No need to fake the funk!


Last passed weekend - A+ Baby chief came to see from Benton, so I have to give all the credit to her. For her to drive all the way up here and still be cool and cute is absolutely wunderbar stuff. She was nice to drive me around town and she also picked out the best towels, baby props to baby Chief :) We saw three movies. Avengers, I liked it, yes it all came together and the direction was on point and the characters didn't seem like they were trying be super heros. A team of superheroes is ways better. To me superheroes have not found a place in my heart yet, but I do appreciate great directing and some funny one-liners.  The Dictator. Well, Sacha is getting worse by the movie. Borat was fresh and delivered with style. Bruno had some crazy stuff going on there, but Dictator to me had only the tourist scene and couple of lines that made the theater lough out loud, which makes you think that it's funny, but I'm sure If I saw it on DVD I would not laugh. We also

Yet, winless and sleepless

Mike The Tiger sleeps well though...

Three Stoogies in Chic-Fil-A

Now I know that ESPN Radio in Chic-Fil-A recording is about 4 to 5 minutes behind the live stream, "incredible production"... Made it to Baton Rouge, still unslept... 

So Long Mice in Nappy

I am so serious right now, it's 240AM in the midst of birds tweeting and drunk assholes yelling out profanities to drunk girls. I will be in Baton Rouge, LA with our track team for the Annual Outdoor SEC meet. Hopefully defending my title successfully, but knowing that the drug enforced tooth extraction was not too long ago, I might settle for less. The most important things second, haha... Me and Caitlin won't be seeing each other for a long time now, I think It's gon be like a 6 day unvacation when it comes to really hearting someone and knowing that I won't be able to do soooooo. Hugs and kisses from this virtual desk out to You my southern beauty! WE WILL KEEP IN TOUCH, even though I need to do something about this piece of shet phone that keeps shutting itself off. I don't even wanna talk about education. I really just AM excited to travel and win! and then come back and chill - with the Chief! haha see I used it, You betta be proud! and I have to revea

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