
Showing posts from 2011

B-Inc Classics Re-Issue

Siin on loode nimistus ja nende tuubi lingid. CD valmis mingi 4 aasta eest, ja endiselt k6lab p2ris h2sti, kui selline mellow r2pi tuju peale tuleb, yeeh. Army of Pharaohs - Into the arms of angels A tribe called quest - Find a way Blackstar - Respiration ft Common Cunninlynguists - Mic Like a Memory Eric B & Rakim - Don't Sweat the Technique  Dead Prez -  Hell Yeah Fat Joe - Bronx Keepts Creating It Gang Starr - She Knows What She Wants Guru - Respect The Architect GZA - Victim Hieroglyphics - You Never Knew KRS-One - MC's Act like they don't know with DJ Premier Nas - Just a Moment Masta Ace - Beautiful Rahzel - All I know 2pac - Hit em up Xzibit - At the speed of life Onyx and Wu-Tang - The Worst Selline list siis, boonusena tahaks veel v2lja tuua lood mida samal ajal kuulasin aga kahjuks selle plaadi peale ei j6udnud. Siiski m2rkimisv22rne. Nagu n2ha see list on selline natuke heitlik, ja v6ib-olla kirjeldaski mu elu keska aja

Suicidally Fresh and Remixed

This input is d e d i c a t e d to a very special person and a *friend of mine - C.E.C. (you the BEST) I needed to think over, and I needed to think about, and think with... to start with the start of the NEW me. Also, to begin with, I needed someone to talk shIt with... Emotionally. I tried hard, I didn't try enough, I tried too hard, life is hard, it's hard to live, but I would lie if I said that's all there is. I'm not even 24% done with downloading my life data, and what is the average age nowadays? My mindset is set to determine who is I when you see me perform in front of you. Who doesn't have need for more, well I don't. (I am that) I don't wanna see my name in the newspaper, when the paper is not news. It didn't work for me, because I didn't work, but I always have been working to be the best, I hate that even you do it all, it all comes down on you and down-sizes you just to remind you one more time you are nothing in this p

Live to learn to live

Hilise 6htutunni list siin sellises sombuses kuid siiski soojas Arkansase sygiseses kylat2navas. On november 13 ja sooja oli t2na v2ljas mingi 21 kraadi, jah! Ma olen nyyd l2bi elanud m6ningad uued elamused, ja ehk enne kui h6rk vein mind jalust ei raba, suudan ma kribada m6ningad laiemad otsuses mis on p2evakorras. Weiderkehr Sangria. Enne paneme m2ngima loo, Red Cafe - Fly together  , siis laseme sulepeal ilusasti enda tindivarud viimase t2idluse peale, ning alustame seda virtuaalset p2evikut, mis ma siin ise-ka-imestades olen juba aastaid kokku kribanud, ise ka teadmata, millest pooled teemad r22givad. Ma olen alati m6elnud, et enne igat kirja, lauset, v6i s6na tuleks m6elda, kas see sobib kontektsi. Eks nad seda ka koolis 6petavad, et lauseehitus on t2htis et professorid su ideedest ja m6tetest aru saaksid, nii nagu sina p2riselt ka arvad ja kavatsesid. Eks me k6ik tea, et yliharva juhtub see, et meie ideed v6i kuidas me endi m6tteid ja lauseid seame, ei pruugi k6ik just n

Fly wide like music

(This weekend just disappeared, its one of those moments that you live to remember, and then it's gone) *Devils Den, Campfire, Hiking, Shadows of the clouds painted on the walls of the hills, sort of Brokeback Mountain meets Hills have Eyes with Cinderella Story written by Christopher Nolan in a 70s Rebel movies, yes lots of thrills! ... Papers due every week presentations....exams, tests,quizzes it starts to weaken me only good things left is that dazzling and soft beat bumping inside fly wide on the wings of music depart from the soil you once were born and you shall land home

Through The Lense of My LG

Viimase aja tulnukad siis on olnud mitmekesised, lendavad kosmose avarustes ning ei j2ta yhtegi j2lge sellest, et maalastelt j22tist ning k6rvitsaid r66visid! Nu kus nyyd poeteerides end tagasi kaardile yritab sehkendada hah? Ma just lugesin oma vanu postitusi aastast 2006, ja tohoh tulevad ikka need vanad ajad meelde kui sai Audes nelja-seina ja kahe voodiga toas elatud. Nostalgiahulka ei suuda paromeetrisse pigistada, hakkab pisaraid higistama. Tallinnaga seoses siis ka see muidugi, et hea et sealt minema sai, kylm on ju, siin Fayettevilles 28 September ja 29kraadi Celciust keskp2eval, nu anna andeks, ju ikka lyhikse pykste, teeka, ning ylik6vade prillide hommikul kooli ei jalgratastanud ju? Ega ju. A muide t2na on siis kolmap2ev, ehk siis p2ev kus mu esimene klass algab 930a ning l6petab Yrituste korraldamise klassiga, kus me umbes kolm tundi istume ning "yritusi korraldame". Jah 520p saame lahti tunnist...You do the math! Kool on aga k6ige alus eks. Hetkel olen tund

High tolerance, when you're age don't exist !

From goodbye to high-five, that's the way momma bee pets, others groom the hive twelve stingers on a run, honey it's all fun after all, cough syrup for us like water Starsky and Hutch, on the run undercover, stripes now, sing, black and white stars smaller than dropped tip of the iceberg that sunk the Ship ! In other words, it was a nice year of everything,  starting with the most important, my relationship had its ups and downs, came out positive, that's the most important, no love no life! sports, same thing, fell down at the end, but there are reasons behind it all! Next up, project Around the World in 80 Days ! Starting from June 15th and ending September 5th... Okay, it's 82 days, but I guess I'm days better than the flick, haha...Jumbotron, lane 3, read between lines, running, stepped on the line, korean air'lines, pacific, baby ! 15hrs :) welcome to, gb Asia, miss you HK, school is back ! And OMG! Im gon see my baby, Iv be