
Showing posts from June, 2012

Whiskey Whiskey Whiskey

... Water water water - Yeah JM's new album Born and Raised has started to ghost its way into my pop-rocky-country-folky brain. I had a significant night out some 48hrs ago, with my track boys Lashawn and Akheem, and we also went to watch That's my boy with additional Caleb and Breda - good stuff! So the beautiful bird that flew away to Scotland has finally sent a sign of life, so everything is OKAY and after all the crazzy travel pain she went through, she is know residing amongst some cool people in a cool land! Read more about her in her blog (yeah bitches You dont have the link) Other than that, im being all alone and training hard for the Europeans in Helsinki. Leaving in 3 days the tension is up in the air - what sort of shape im in? ... The MUGS I don't know what to doo with them :)

Prometheus Dream

Big K.R.I.T - Live From The Underground (Give it a listen) Prometheus the movie that asks more than answers, but It's alright, I like the visuals and I liked the humor,  and as I already mentioned I like the questions it arises. By the way, the movie and the dream I had last night had something in common... but listen, my mind is not Engineered* to hack into the pencil of a sci-fi writer and shutter of a sci-fi director, but the scope of this dream made me think... unfortunately I don't remember all the details in that dream, but I remember being with my grandfather. He wanted to be with me, but he was also jealous of me. But we had fun, until it got real. We were on a beach and something happened, and the next flashback he was being strangled by an alligator, I was unable to give him any help. .... The next Im on my way to space.... There are spaceships and a lot of bad happening...I don't again remember all what went down, but it was rather a nightmare than a