
Showing posts from August, 2012

Elu nagu filmis. Tallinas.

Part2. Sunglasses at night. Part1 Tallinn on t2iesti filmi v22rt koht. Viis pluss arhitektuur ja kaugele kukkunud p2ikesepaiste. Hommikul on laiekraanil valgustus paigas ning fokuseeritud peegel toob endaga kaasa liikumise. Autod kihutavad l6petamata, kuid selle kurja leegitseva ratsu kinnipidamiseks ei vaja me imet, vaid liiklustulesi. Siis saab yle jalutada ja Statoilist oma mee 2ra tuua. Mingi selline video vaata. Juhul kui sa lyyrikat ka nagu ei j2lgi, siis v6id p2ris 2ra eksida. Taassyndinud ning tagasi ektsioonis. Suuremalt ja vabamalt kui kunagi varem. Mis siin tehno allilma biitidest reekida, kui vrmm vrmm, tuul viib bemari tagaistmelt paruka minema ja keskmiselt madalamale h6ljuv huumor teeb Gaussi k6veraid. Vabandused. Toksin sisse arusaamatusi ning aru saamatagi, mis homne paev ees ootab. Tsiteerin klassikuid. Minu esimene ylesanna on homme hommikul yles t6usta, kui kysida, et mis su eesm2rk on. Feigid ei ole olemas. Mina olen mida sina arvad et mina arvan et ma olen

New Record

300m - 32.74

People Who actually want peace, cause more controversy and less peace

Giant BS

Fuck everything! Absolutely ridiculous. What You mean I can't enter the country. Do I really need to fucking apply for new citizenship or what. Right now I'm so stressed and pissed off that You don't wanna know. I really fucking thought this shit was on the safe side, but now according to some Early withdrawal rule I can't enter the country prior to December 22nd. What a major bullshit. I seriously need to register for some classes here or otherwise I'll start going insane.

Sickeningly excited

O yay, so I've been sick for three days now, and c'mon it better go over soon! Otherwise I'm going to kick this bacteria hella butt. Movies: \ Moonrise Kingdom was cool, i recommend watch this. Expendables 2 , was fine too, but I think I liked the first one better. Boogie Nights 1997 - a pretty fun experience 2001 Space Odyssey - fun cinematic picture Looked through The Dark Knight Two Disc Special Edition both DVD's and this is just amazing how this movie is made and how much work is done behind the scenes, Mr Nolan sure is a master at what he does. Music: I started liking Minus the Bear album O M N I Peace and Love

Estonian Nationales El Championships In Trackos Fieldos

Also have had a perfect chill out time with my buddies from high school, Erik and Krister YAY I enjoy these cartoons

Day@Mandjala Surfcamp

Today was a fun day filled with joy and sunshine. I was invited to spend a day with a group of kids at a summer camp. And I also went to the hairdresser :) Onto the beach. First I did an interview with the local paper, then we took couple of cool shots by the sea, and then I got to talk to the kids and we even hit the sand for a couple of fast races. They also asked me questions about my career and the best kid got a gift, which was my London 2012 racing shirt with the bib number. The kids were excited and so was I. The best question was: Have I ever beaten Africa in running. I thought it was so funny. Later on me and my good buddies went to get some really filling food which ended up being so good that I went straight to bed and never got up and here I am. Up in the morning and no sleep. Tomorrow my trip to Tallinn will be a long one again, because the plane is booked out and I have to take the bus there, but i will be good.

Back Home

So the day has arrived again. Im Home! What a wonderful feeling indeed. And it's also nice and sunny outside, the care of the local spotlight! My mission this time around is simple. I want to keep it simple, stoopid :) I'm pretty much bringing back the stage: big bang. I am enjoying the little things. I am taking the most fun things and enjoying them. I'm home. I don't need to think what's ahead, I think what's now. And this is it. Why brick a wall when you can have open windows and miles of sandy beach lines.  Honestly it feels good!

Nothing in the newspapers

Kendrick's Album dropping soon! House music is relevant in a long time. ( I do get bored for music a lot)

London afterthoughts

Been thinking about what's happened? What really happened... Because I know at this point I'm still in the game...but then I got fuzzy and lost the track... maybe it's a sign that I need be more focused next time around? that I have the second fastest dude right next to me...and maybe I need to step my game up so I won't disappoint my fans all the freaking time...well I do learn from mistakes, but If I make so many of them, shouldn't I be the smartest guy already....haha go figure ..or maybe I need to spread my fingers more, cuz obviously the fingers need to be spread the fudge out to run really fast. almost like a cheetah...

London2 (autographed)

Big Day tomorrow! My first Olympic start in the 100m. 12PM London Time. Other than that, I went to the Olympic swimming pool today, and I told myself that I'm not coming back without a promised signature. So here's a picture of that autograph (just in case I lose it) To Caitlin and her friend Ellyn :) Hello, Mr. Lochte (by the way I did not know how he looks like, so I had a friend Martin with me, and he knows all about swimming, cuz he goes to school at Cal Berkeley, and he's a swimmer there, so he pretty much knows all the USA swimmers and all that noise. So I needed a piece of paper which I found, and I also had to ask for a pen, which I found, cuz remember I couldn't leave without that signature, which I was pressured into to get, running out of grammar breath here. I heard he was a totally cool guy but I guess he wanted to wished for way more gold medals than he got these Olympics so he wasn't in the best of mo