Black Friday and Thanksgiving in Tulsa

I am so happy right now.
I know I made the right decision.
I sit here and write this input with a huge smile on my face.
It's the Thanksgiving weekend. So here, I want to thank all the people who have helped me get through tough and rough. My family, ma dad Vello, my mom Anu, my brother Sander. My grandparents and all of my friends. Mikk, Andreas and all the Saaremaa gang, shouts out to You guys! The Tallinn, Harjumaa gang: Erik, Krister. The girlfriends, I am thankful for all the moments that I have lived through with You, either its making me mad or not. I am thankful for being in my life at one point.

I also wanna thank my USA friends, leading the way: Stuart and his family who are the most generous host I could ever dream of. The Razorbacks track team. All of my track and field buddies back home and all over the world! Special shout out to my cool bud Andrew.

There are so many people and names that I haven't mentioned but THANK YOU ALL from the bottom of my heart.

Yours Truly

Me and the minion after the Thanksgiving dinner :)

